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End User License Agreement

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This license agreement lists the rules for usage and redistribution of all our software.

1) Disclamer:

All our programs are provided as they are, without any warranty, explicit or implicit.

Some of our software tools are very powerful, intended to delete computer viruses, and also powerful enough to cause damage to your operating system if used in a wrong way. Read carefully our help pages before using our software.

The publisher SHOULD NOT in any case be responsible for any damage or data loss caused by a wrong usage of our software.

By accepting this license agreement you declare to assume the responsibility of all the actions you perform when using our software.

2) Redistribution:

You can redistribute our software as it is, you CAN NOT repack, disassemble, reassemble or modify in any way any of the files included our software packages or the package itself.

Software download sites are allowed to host and redistribute our products as long as they provide the user ONLY direct downloads of the original packages. Bundling our software with any other software, especially adware is explicitly disallowed. Also, using our product names to encourage users to install adware is explicitly disallowed.

3) Licensing:

We reserve the right to blacklist purchased licenses in any of the following situations:

  • The license is made publicly available for download over the internet.
  • The purchase payment was not completed, or it was revoked or refunded.
  • The owner of the license license brakes this license agreement.

The above does not apply to OEM licenses for one computer only.

4) Bug reporting:

Some of our programs took us several years to create. However, errors do occur. So if you find any bugs in our software, please report to us using our contact page. or sign up to the UVK forums.

Enjoy and be careful!


Copyright Carifred © 2010 - 2025, all rights reserved.

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