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Ultra Virus Killer Change Log

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This page lists the most important changes and new features in each UVK update since the version 6.8 until version 7.8.


UVK 7.8:

v7.8.6.0 Release date: May 28 2016

Check  Fixed bug: In the System repair section, double-clicking an item in the list automatically unchecked the previous item.

Check  Updated the automation of the third party apps.


v7.8.6.0 Release date: May 26 2016

Check  General debugging and impovement.

Check  Updated Ultar Adware Killer to the latest version (4.2.2).

Check  Improved the Local user profiles System info field. Now it also displays the user's full name and type.

Check  Improved the Network adapters System info field. Now it also displays the adapter's associated IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, when available. 

Check  Changed the behavior of the Reboot in safe mode and continue System repair action. After using this action, the normal boot will only be restored once the current repair operation is complete, regardless of how many times the PC reboots in the meantime.

Check  Added a new post repair action to the System repair list: Restore normal boot. If, for some reason this PC is stuck in safe mode boot, this fix will restore the normal boot.

Check  New System repair item: Auto-logon the current user. This new action allows you to set up automatic logon for the current user. Useful to avoid entering the logon password if the PC is rebooted before the repair operation ends.

Check  New System repair item: Remove user auto-logon. This new action is intended to undo the Auto-logon the current user fix above, but it can also be used to remove user auto-logon set by other means, such as through the Quick user manager section.

Check  New System repair item: Defrag the registry if needed. This new action will check the registry hives for fragmentation, and defrag the ones more than 10% fragmented. Note: The computer may be automatically rebooted after running this fix. Also this fix requires activation.


v7.8.1.0  Release date: April 12 2016

Check  General debugging and improvement.

Check  Fixed bug: The Fix IE and Windows Shell fix was lasting indefinitely in some computers.

Check  New feature: UVK now allows you to send the reports to the email address you wish. You still need to have a valid license in order to send the reports, though.


v7.8.0.3  Release date: April 07 2016 

Check  Fixed bug: The application was crashing in some computers, when running the Fix the Windows store and Metro apps fix. 

Check  Fixed bug: The application was crashing in some computers, when switching to the System Info section.


v7.8.0.1  Release date: April 06 2016 

Check  Bug fixing release.


 v7.8.0.0  Release date: April 05 2016 

Check  Fixed bug: The application was crashing on Windows Vista and 7, when checking if a hard drive is SSD.

Check  New fix: Cleanup notification area cache. This fix will cleanup the tray icon cache for all users. NOTE: The Windows Explorer process will be restarted while this fix is executed.

Check  New fix: Install the System Update Readiness Tool. This fix only works for Windows Vista and 7. It will download and run the System Update Readiness Tool in unattended mode.

Check  New fix: Reset Get Windows 10 notifications. This fix, only available on Windows 7, 8 and 8.1, will remove all Windows 10 upgrade notifications, including the tray icon and the corresponding Windows update notification.

Check  New fix: Fix Task scheduler errors. This fix will try to repair Task scheduler related errors, such as when it says "The selected task "{0}" no longer exists". NOTE: This fix is not available for Windows XP.

Check  Added support for two more script commands: <InstallSURT>, <ResetGWX> and <FixTaskScheduler> which allow to execute the three fixes above from a UVK script.

Check  Added support for a new script command: <CleanupMUICache> This command allows to execute the Clear the shell MuiCache fix directly from a UVK script, in unattended mode.

Check  Added support for a new script command: <CleanupAppData> This command allows to execute the Clear empty appdata sub directories fix directly from a UVK script, in unattended mode.

Check  Improved the Log analyzer's code and updated it to automatically insert the commands above.

Check  New feature: UVK now supports changing the path the Third party folder. It can be set to the same directory as %InstallSourceDir%, or even a custom path. The feature can be found in the Options section, there's a button named Third party folder options

Check  New System Info field: Windows product key from BIOS. This new field wil display the Windows product key stored in the UEFI BIOS, when available. 

Check  New feature: When UVK imports the Smart uninstaller's white/black kist, or the Ultra adware killer's white list from the default files, as explained in this help page, any changes to the white lists are updated in the original files.

Check  Updated the automation of the following third party tools: Kaspersy TDSSKiller and RogueKiller.

Check  Added a new item to the System repair's context menu: Check recommended maintenance. This button check all recommended maintenance fixes in the list.

Check  Updated Ultra Adware Killer with the latest version of the tool (4.2).



UVK 7.7:

v7.7.2.0  Release date: March 17 2016

Check  General debugging.

Check  Fixed: UVK was no longer being able to update Java.

Check  Improved the Fix corrupted user profiles fix.

.Check  New feature: The local cache of the VirusTotal reports is only valid for 10 days.

Check  New feature: UVK now skips defragging SSD drives.


v7.7.1.0  Release date: February 27 2016

Check  General debugging.

Check  Fixed Smart uninstaller's bug: When uninstalling programs, the Stop monitoring button of the progress dialog was only working for the first two consecutive programs.

Check  Fixed VirusTotal analysis bug:Uploaded files reported Scan queued, forever.

.Check  Fixed Quick user manager's bug. The tool was not allowing to create user accounts with empty passwords. Neither was it allowing to assign empty passwords to existing accounts.

Check  Fixed general bug: The application was requesting the running protection password (when enabled), for some tasks started from the System repair or from the Run script section.


v7.7.0.0  Release date: February 18 2016

Check  General debugging and enhancement.

Check  Added a new item to the Smart Uninstaller's context menu: Ignore whitelist once. This new button, only available when you're using the Smart uninstaller's white/black list feature, allows you to refresh the list while ignoring the whitelist (displaying all the items). This is useful if you to quickly uninstall one of the whitelisted programs or check if it is installed.

Check  Improved the hard drive information displayed in the desktop watermark and in the System info section.

Check  Improved the Configure Immunization feature by adding a check box allowing the user to be notified to re-enable the System Immunization or Execute prevent on the next reboot.

Check  Improved the VirusTotal list filtering: Files are only uploaded after processing all items. This way you don't need to wait for the uploads to complete before having all other VirusTotal results updated or filtered.

Check  Added suppor for Environment variables in the Desktop Watermark's PC identification personalized text. Also, the default text for this field is PC: %ComputerName%. | User: %UserName%

Check  When exporting the system information to an HTML file, UVK now also creates a INI file named SystemInfo.ini, in UVK's install folder. This file is intended to be parsed by repair trcking applications such as PCRT or CRS. We have chosen the INI file format for the effect, as it has parsing support in most programming languages.

Check  The Autorun manager, Service manager, Alternate streams manager ans Smart uninstaller lists now have auto-chckboxes to help in the selection.

Check  Updated 2Browse with its latest version 1.5, which includes many improvements and bug fixes, including the removal of annoying script error messages.

Check  Improved the VirusTotal analysis feature. We've worked directly with the VirusTotal team to provide faster retrieval of the VT reports, and also a better user experience, while reducing the VirusTotal bandwidth load. UVK no longer requests old reports to be rescanned, as it used to. Users can still manually rescan a file or URL directly from the Rescan file or Rescan URL link of the VirusTotal HTML reports generated by UVK.

Check  Added three more information fields to the System Info list: Windows activation state, User account control state and System restore state.

Check  The Smart uninstaller now remembers the last state of the Hide Microsoft signed files check box.

Check  Fixed reported bug: The application was not creating a Windows firewall exception for FTP at install time.

Check  Fixed reported bug: The HDD information displayed in the System info and the Desktop watermark was not accurate in some computers.

Check  Fixed reported bug: The Smart uninstaller was no longer showing up the Stop monitoring button while uninstalling programs.

Check  Removed some of the functionality of the Fix the Windows store and Metro apps on Windows 10. This is because the fix was causing some severe issues to the metro apps in Windows 10 when the OS has been upgraded to build 10586. Until we figure out why this is happening, the fix wil limited functionality on Windows 10.


UVK 7.6:

v7.6.0.0  Release date: January 28 2016

Check  General debugging and enhancement.

Check  All our executables are now signed using a certificate with a SHA-256 hash signature, as requested by the newest Microsoft code signing requirements.

Check  Added VirusTotal information directly to the lists, in the Process Manager, Memory Modules Manager, Autorun Manager, Service Manager and Smart Uninstaller sections. Also added the option to remove all items with clean VirusTotal results from the lists (not available for the process manager).

The result of the VirusTotal analysis for each item is displayed in a new column named VirusTotal. In order to see that column in the Smart Uninstaller's list, you will need to enable Details vew.

By default, the analysis of the items begin as soon as you jump to one of those sections, and files having not been analyzed by the VirusTotal engine yet, are automatically uploaded to VirusTotal. This behavior can be changed in the Options section, by uncheckingthe new Auto start VirusTotal analysis, and Auto upload unknown items to VirusTotal check boxes.

You can manually start populating the VirusTotal info in the lists from their Update VirusTotal results context menu button. The results of the submitted items are saved locally, meaning the whole process is much faster after you complete it once. This also reduces the number of requests made to VirusTotal.

In order to remove all items with clean VirusTotal results from the lists, use their Hide clean VirusTotal results context menu button. Any items that have already been submitted to VT, and their result was 100% clean are removed from the list. Note that this doesn't mean that all items with detections are viruses. In fact, if a report has less than 4 detections, it's probably a false positive. 

Check  Added a new maintenance action, in the System repair list: Clear the shell MuiCache. If the Shell's list of most recently used programs becomes too long, it may slow down the Windows file explorer. This new fix will clear that list for the current user.

Check  Added a new maintenance action, in the System repair list: Clear empty appdata sub directories. Some programs leave orphan empty appdata sub-directories behind, which can accumulate over time. This fix will remove those folders.

Check  Added a new post repair action, in the System repair list: Uninstall the application. This new option uninstalls UVK after running the selected fixes above, if any. You can combine any other fixes with this one, if you want to automatically uninstall UVK after running them. 

Check  SysInternals sigcheck.exe is now shipped with the application, as requested in the forum. it can be found in the cleanup_tool sub directory of the UVK's install folder. However, I'm yet to decide whether I will keep including this file. It doesn't make much sense to ship files not used by the application itself.

Check  Added a new command to the Enable and run dropdown box of the IT/Geeks section: Sigcheck.exe /tv. This command uses sigcheck, from sysinternals to check for the existance of untrusted root certificates. If the tool finds any, you can take action to remove them.

Fixed bug: UVKSetup was not installing when using the -Auto command line switch.

Check  Fixed bug: The application was crashing when using the Delete parent directory feature of the Process manager.

Check  Added two more options to the Toggle enable/disable dropdown box of the IT/Geek tools and tweaks section:

  • Fast Startup (Windows 8+) : Enables or disables the Fast boot feature introduced in Windows 8.
  • Windows Defender PUP detection : Enables or disables the Windows Defender PUP detection hidden feature.

Check  The window is now resizeable in the Ultra Adware Killer section.

Check  Other improvements to Ultra Adware Killer.

Check  Updated the Third party scans.

Check  Other bug fixes.


UVK 7.5:

v7.5.1.0  Release date: October 16 2015

Check  General debugging and improvement. 

Check  The log analyzer was completely rewritten in C++. Many new features were added, especially in the command insertion helper function. Improvements were also made to the Log analysis, VirusTotal reports and the Control Info Tool features.

Check  The improvements in the VirusTotal reporting features were also made to UVK itself.

Check  Added support for two new script commands: <ResetMSEdge>, <FixUserProfiles> and <DismWindowsRepair>. These new commands allow to run the Reset Microsoft Edge, Fix corrupted user profiles, and Repair Windows using Dism.exe fixes, added to UVK in the last update, from a script.

Check  Added a new System repair item: Uninstall programs, and the associated script command: <SmartUninstaller>. This new feature allows to run a separate instance of the Smart Uninstaller in a specific part of the repair operation.

Check  Added a new System repair item: Send reports by Email or FTP, and the corresponding script command: <SendReports>. This new feature allows to send the reports to your email address or FTP server after the repair operation, or in a specific part of a UVK script.

Check  Fixed bug: UVK was unable to import the Create desktop shortcut to my home page upon uninstall feature from UVKSettings.ini.

Check  The Create desktop shortcut to my home page upon uninstall feature now creates a shortcut with a branded icon.



UVK 7.4:

v7.4.1.0  Release date: September 04 2015

Check  General debugging and improvement.

Check  New fix: Repair Windows using Dism.exe. This new fix, available only for Windows 8 and higher, and for registered users, uses the "Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth" command to restore the health of the current Windows installation. This fix can take long to complete, so please be patient.

Check  New fix: Fix corrupted user profiles. This fix will try to detect and repair corrupted user profiles, and fix system errors such as"The User Profile Service failed the logon" an "User profile cannot be loaded".

Check New fix: Reset Microsoft Edge. This fix will reset Microsoft's new browser to its default settings, including home pages, search providers and preferences. You have better control of what to reset with Ultra Adware Killer

Check  New feature: When creating custom third party apps, the input fileds for the downloaded file and the first command have a drop-down arrow, which allows to choose between %ThirdParty% and %InstallSourceDir%.

Check  Improved the automation of the third party built-in scans and fixed bugs in the Super AntiSpyware and AdwCleaner automation.

Check  Fixed bug: The Smart Uninstaller was not able to uninstall some programs.

Check   Fixed bug: The <Replacefile> and <SReplaceFile> command were not logging the result of the operation.

Check   Fixed bug: On Windows 10, after deleting a scheduled task, it was still displayed in the list, even after refreshing.

Check   Fixed bug: The System Info HTML file created from the Reporting section was not loading the saved groups to export.

Check   Fixed bug: The Fix the Windows store and Metro apps fix was not working on Windows 10. The fix was also improved: now it re-installs all installed Winsows Store apps.

Check   Updated 2Browse with the latest version (1.4.2).


v7.4.0.0  Release date: August 26 2015

Check  Updated Ultra Adware Killer to the latest version (4.0). New features in the new version include:

  • A new scanned area: Autostart. The application now scans Autostart locations.
  • A new scanned browser: MS Edge. The application now scans vulnerable areas of the new Windows 10 browser.
  • Improvements in the Internet Explorer and Chrome scans.
  • Other improvements and bug fixes.

Check  Integrated 2Browse with the application. The old Links button in the Welcome screen was replaced with a button that launches our new internet browser and file explorer.

Check  HTML reports and internet locations are now opened with 2Browse.

Check  Automatic detection of RogueKiller's configuration file (rk_config.ini) in the %InstallSourceDir% path. If the file is found, it is automatically copied to RogueKiller's path.

Check  General debugging and improvement.



UVK 7.3:

v7.3.7.0  Release date: August 5 2015

Check  Fixed an important bug in the Auto-Update feature.


v7.3.6.0  Release date: August 4 2015

Check  General debugging and improvement.

Check  Improved compatibility with Windows 10.

Check  Fixed bug: The Softpedia download (in UVK scripts and System repair apps) was no longer working because of a change in the softpedia pages.

Check  Fixed bug: Ultra Adware Killer was not white listing some iems correctly.

Check  Updated Ultra Adware Killer with the latest version of the application (3.3).


v7.3.5.0  Release date: July 20 2015

Check  General debugging and improvement. Fixed several reported bugs. A big Thank You to all the users who reported bugs.. 

Check  UVK now supports commands to open files, and even with extra command line parameters.

For instance, to install an MSI package, you no longer need to use

msiexec.exe "Package path.msi" /passive /norestart

 even though it is still the recommended way. You can use just

PackagePath.msi /passive /norestart

You can also make use of this new feature to open internet locations and other protocols. For instance, you can create an app that opens one or several internet pages. Tutorials, for instance. You just need to set the URL of the page as the command.

Or you can make use of the mailto protocol to create tools that email your clients.


Or you can make your apps open local documents, such as MS office docs, text files, or PDF docs, by simply specifying the path of the document itself, which will be opened with the default application in the current PC.

%ThidParty%\Docs\Tutorial 1.pdf
%ThidParty%\Docs\Tutorial 2.docx
%ThidParty%\Docs\Tutorial 3.txt

Another great use of this feature is running UVK scripts from third party apps. Now you just need to specify the path of your script in the command. Append -Auto if you want to run the script without confirmation.

%InstallSourceDir%\My script.uvk
%InstallSourceDir%\My script.uvk -Auto

This new type of command is available for the Custom third party apps, in the System repair section, and for UVK scripts, more precisely the <Run> and <RunWait> modes.

Check  Improved the Smart Uninstaller's application folder detection.

Check  Updated Ultra Adware Killer with the latest version of the application.


v7.3.4.0  Release date: July 12 2015

Check  Optimization and bug fixing release.


v7.3.3.0  Release date: July 2 2015

Check  Optimization and bug fixing release.


v7.3.2.0  Release date: June 30 2015

Check  Fixed bug: The application was ocasionally crashing when deleting files (important).

Check  Improved the file removal functions.


v7.3.1.0  Release date: June 28 2015

Check  Fixed bug: The new Configure immunization after uninstall feature was not setting the permissions properly on Windows 8/8.1 (important).


v7.3.0.0  Release date: June 28 2015

Check  General debugging and application improvement.

Check  Fixed bug: Auto-updates change the value of %InstallSourceDir%, if UVK was previously installed through UVKSetup.exe.

Check  Fixed bug: The Reset IE and Internet settings fix was not working properly if the System immunization was enabled.

Check  New feature: The System Booster now remembers the previous selection of the areas to be scanned.

Check  New feature: Post uninstall Immunization setup. When UVK is uninstalled, if System immunization or Execute prevent is ON, a desktop shortcut named named Configure immunization is created. Executing this program allows to enable/disable the System immunization or Execute prevent. The shortcut is only created if you do not choose to perform a clean uninstall, and System immunization or Execute prevent is on.

Check  New feature: On the branding version, UVK can be configured to create a desktop internet shortcut pointing to your website when UVK is uninstalled. This option can be enabled in the Options section by checking Create desktop shortcut to my home page upon uninstall. Once enabled, you can export this setting to %InstallSourceDir%\UVKSettings.ini, so UVKPortable or UVKSetup will automatically load it. 

Check  New Smart uninstaller feature: White/Black list. You can now whitelist ot blacklist any item in the uninstall list.

Whitelisted items don't show up in the list. Blacklist items, if any, are automatically selected. You can quicly select all blacklisted items by pressing the Select blacklisted context menu button.

 The list can be easily managed by pressing the Whitelist & Blacklist manager context menu button. This will allow you to reset previously whitelisted /blackisted items, and also import/export the list from/to an external INI file.

 If you export the list to %InstallSourceDir%\UVK SU whitelist.ini, UVKPortable or UVKSetup will automatically load it. 

The lists are based on the uninstall entry's name and product publisher. Programs are whitelisted or blacklisted regardless of their version.

Check  New fix in the System repair section list: Reboot in safe mode and continue. This new fix allows you to reboot the computer in safe mode with networking and continue the repair operation in that mode, starting on the next selected fix/app.

Check  Added support for some more files that can be placed in the %InstallSourceDir% folder, and UVK would automatically load them by default. Those files must have the following names, in order for the UVK packages to automatically detect them. More info here.

Added a text label in the welcome screen indicating whether the System immunization and Execute prevent are enabled. 

Check  New fix: Reset WLAN profiles and settings. This fix will reset everything related to WIFI, including saved profiles and passwords. Use this fix only if you're having WIFI issues.

Check  New command for UVK scripts: <ResetWLAN>. This new command performs the same actions as the Reset WLAN profiles and settings fix mentioned above.

Check  Updated the Log analyzer's Insert(2) menu with the new <ResetWLAN> command.

Check  New supported command line switch: -Passive. This new switch can be used instead of -Auto, in the various UVK command line options. The difference between -Passive and -Auto is that the former shows progress info, while the latter doesn't show any user interface. Here are some examples of its usage:

Create a UVK scan log in C:

UVK_en.exe -CreateLog C: -Passive

Run a UVK script:

UVK_en.exe -ReadFile "C:\My Script.uvk" -Passive

Load and run a System repair settings file:

UVK_en.exe -ImportSr "C:\My srfile.uvksr" -Passive

Send the reports to your email address and / or FTP server, as configured in the Reporting section:

UVK_en.exe -SendReports -Passive

Check  New feature: UVK now remembers the System info groups selected to export to the HTML file. Like most UVK settings, this one can be saved to an ini file, in the Options section. This ini file, if placed in the same directory as a UVK package, will be automatically loaded, and the settings imported.

Check  New feature: You can now save the Ultra Adware Killer's whitelist in the same path as UVKPortable, and the white list will be automatically imported by the UVK package. Useful to quickly trasfer the same whitelist to all the computers you work on. The file name of the INI file to save next to UVKPortable must imperatively be UAK_White_list, or it will not be loaded.

Check  New feature: Desktop watermark. This new feature consists of a semi-transparent window displaying several information fields. This feature was requested in the forums.

Check  Great enhancement of the Ultra Adware Killer's browsers scan. UAK now lists Chrome and Firefox modified Home Pages, installed search providers and extensions. Because of this enhancement, the browser reset options are no longer checked by default, but you can still check the ones you wish to apply.

Check  New Ultra Adware Killer's feature: A local while list. You can now white list any items you want by right-clicking the desired item and selecting Whitelist this item. You can manage the local white list by pressing the Menu button, and selecting Whitelist manager. This option allows you to delete items from the white list, export and import the white list, so you can easily transfer it to another computer. 


UVK 7.2:

v7.2.3.0  Release date: April 28 2015

Check  Bug fixing release.


v7.2.0.0  Release date: April 24 2015

Check  General debugging and code improvement.

Check  New feature: The System Info section now allows to choose which groups to export to the html file, and also the name of the html file itself.

Check  New feature: You can now run several simultaneous instances of UVK.

Check  Improved the way UVK logs its actions to the log file. Logs are now formated by section, the information is written in a more comprehensive way, and only the relevant actions are logged.

Check  Removed Junkware removal tool from the third party apps list, in the System repair section, as per the author's request.

Check  In the previous versions of UVK, system restore point were only created if there was no restore point created in the last 24 hours. No UVK forces the creation of the restore point, regardless of the time the last one was created.

Check  The Ultra Adware killer engine and database was completely rewritten from scratch. The application now provides a more flexible interface, where it becomes much easier to choose the items to remove/fix, and the browser reset actions to take.


UVK 7.1:

v7.1.1.0  Release date: March 27 2015

Check   General debugging and code improvement.

Check   Updated the MBAM scan's automation. It was not working properly in the latest version of the tool.

Check   Updated the Ultra Adware Killer's database, and code. Now using version 1.6.

Check   Fixed: The MalwareBytes AntiMalware scan builtin app was no longer downloading because of some recent changes in an html page.

Check   Fixed: The Install/Update Java fix was no longer downloading because of some recent changes in an html page.

Check   Added a new fix to the System repair fixes/apps list: Set technician power settings. This new fix will optimize the current power scheme settings for the repair operation: Close lid does nothing, auto sleep is disabled, hard drives and displays are always on, dim display after 5 minutes. This fix is not available on Windows XP.

Check   Added a new fix to the System repair fixes/apps list: Reset power settings. This fix will apply the following settings for the current power scheme: Close lid action: Sleep. HDD power off and sleep timeout: 30 min. Dim display timeout: 5 min. Display power off: 20 min.

Check   UVKSetup.exe, UVKPortable.exe and UVKPortable.com were completely recoded from scratch, in C++. Previous versions were coded in AutoIt. The new packages install faster and are around 1 MB smaller than the previous ones.

Check   Updated the Reset IE and Internet settings fix to use the latest version of the search providers for IE.

Check   Added a new built in third party app to the System repair fixes/apps list: Ultra Adware Killer scan. This new app will launch Ultra Adware killer and automatically start a scan.

Check   Added a new fix to the System repair fixes/apps list: Reset CD burning queue. This new fix will reset the CD/DVD burning queue. Any files pending to be burned to CD or DVD will no longer be burned.

Check   New command for UVK scripts:  <UAKScan>. This new command starts an Ultra adware killer scan. The adware scan will be automatically started but the removal process is not automated.

Check   New command for UVK scripts:  <ResetPrintSpool>. This new command clears and resets the print spooler queue. Any files pending to be printed will no longer be printed.

Check   New command for UVK scripts:  <ResetCDBurnQueue>. This new command clears and resets the CD/DVD burning queue. Any files pending to be burned to CD or DVD will no longer be burned.

Check   Fixed reported bug: UVK was not running scripts in silent mode (using the -Auto switch). 


UVK 7.0:

v7.0.0.1  Release date: February 04 2015

Check  Fixed reported bug: The application was crashing with an AutoIt error when running the Reset and fix the Windows firewall fix, in the System repair section.


v7.0.0.0  Release date: February 03 2015

Check  General debugging and application improvement.

Check  New section: Quick User Manager. More info in the corresponding help page.

Check  New section: Ultra Adware Killer. More info in the corresponding help page.

Check  New Process manager feature: Delete parent directory. This new feature can be accessed in the process list's context menu, and it can be used to move the whole folder where the selected file resides to the recycle bin. To use with caution.

Check  New Smart uninstaller feature: Create uninstall entry. This new feature allows you to add custom uninstall entries to the uninstal list.

Check  New feature: UVK now collects the logs from the following third party applications: Malwarebytes Antimalware, Super AntiSpyware, RogueKiller, TDSSKiller, AdwCleaner and Junkware removal tool. After those applications are executed in the System repair section, the logs are copied to the C:\Program data\UVK\Third party logs folder. This folder is automatically added to the reports zip, in the Reporting section.

Check  New feature: Added support for sending the reports to your email address or FTP server from the command line. The new command line parameters are:

UVK_en.exe -SendReports -Auto

-SendReports is required. This is the switch that tells UVK to send the reports.

-Auto is optional. If used, UVK will not show any user interface, and send the reports silently.

Note: You need to configure the email and FTP settings in the Reporting section before using this command. You can also export the email and FTP settings to an ini file which will be automatically loaded by the UVK packages. More info here.

Check  New System repair feature: You can now cancell all apps/fixes while they are running. 

Check  New System repair feature: You can now update the apps/fixes selection while they are running. However, UVK will only take in account items updated below the fix/app it is currently processing.

Check  New Run scripts feature: You can now cancell running a UVK script anytime.

Check  New Log Analyzer feature: If you launch the Log analyzer by pressing the Create script button in the Run scripts section, when you press F5 or the Run script menu item, the log analyzer will send the script directly to UVK instead of launching a new UVK instance.

Check  New skin: Abstract. This new theme has a beautiful abstract background image.

Check  System booster's bug fixed: When scanning for invalid shortcuts, UVK was generating a Windows error saying There is no disc in the drive. This was only happening for shortcuts whose target files resided in a CD/DVD drive.

Check  Fixed reported bug. The smart uninstaller was not showing all uninstall entries on some computers.

Check   Updated the Install/Update Visual C++ runtime fix. Noe it also updates the VC++ 2013 runtime.

Check  Updated the Reporting feature to automatically add the Ultra adware Killer logs to the zip file.

Check  Improved the System repair section: The fixes/apps selection can be updated while the selected fixes are already running. However UVK will only take in account the selection changes made to the items below the one that is currently running.

Check  The Install/Update Flash fix now also updates the flash player for Chrome.

Check  Improved the Reset Chrome and Reset Chrome (All users) fixes.

Check  Improved the Reset Firefox and Reset Firefox (All users) fixes.

Check  Other improvements. 


UVK 6.8:

v6.8.5.0  Release date: December 03 2014

Check  General debugging and application improvement.

Check  File hash calculation is now skipped for files greater than 64 MB, which is the max file size for Virustotal uploads. This will improve performance when creating the UVK log, and also prevent the application from blocking while calculating the hash of a big file.

Check  Improved the VirusTotal report feature. 

Check  Fixed a few memory leaks in the string parsing functions exported by UVK.dll.

Check  Improved the string parsing functions exported by UVK.dll. For instance, parsing a large HOSTS file, in the Autorun manager section should now be much faster.

Check  Updated the Install windows fixit center fix, in the System repair section. Now it uses the new MS Fixit portable, which contains 28 troubleshooters. The tool is installed in the Third party folder and the setup process is fully automated.

Check  Improved the download related functions. Updating the third party applications is now faster and more reliable.

Check  Fixed: The Smart uninstaller was not showing all uninstall entries in some computers.

Check  Debugged and improved the "Continue system repair on reboot" feature. This feature is still under testing, but so far it seems to be working fine. Any feedback is appreciated.

New feature: After cleaning the temp folders, UVK tells how much free HDD space has been gained.

Check  Updated the System health indicator, in the System errors scan. Since the System booster now finds errors in more locations, the health levels were also increased to the double of the previous ones.

Check  The System booster scan now also searches for invalid references to Windows help files. Additionally, the Invalid file extensions scan is more accurate.

Check  Updated the RogueKiller scan third party app. Now it uses the 64 or 32 bits version according to the actual OS archtecture. Thanks Charger440!

Check  Added a new field to the Professional report settings dialog box (System repair): Report ID. You can set this field with some information that will help you identify the report later. This feature was requested in the forum. 

Check  Added %ProgramData%\Adobe to the Execute prevent unrestricted paths, if Common application data is checked.

Check  UVK now saves the Professional report's Client name for the next times you use the System repair section. Hopefully this will save you some time when the client name is different from the logged on user name.

Check  Both client name and Report ID are saved in the registry until you perform a UVK's clean uninstall.

Check  New feature: Professional reports also survive reboot. When UVK continues a system repair operation after a reboot it will remember the professional report used before reboot, and continue writing to it.

Check  New feature: When UVKPortable is launched by dragging a UVKSR file over UVKPortable.exe, UVK will always load that UVKSR file when you go to the System repair section, until you either unload the file or unset Auto load the last UVKSR file, in the Options section.

Check  Updated the download urls for the new RogueKiller scan third party app.

Check  The System booster also scans for errors in the Windows installer database.

Check  Changed the behaviour of the List menu button, in the System repair section. Now the menu is displayed right above the button, and clicking the List menu button toggles the menu's visible state. More adequate for touch screens. 

Check  New fix: Install/Update Shockwave player. This new fix will install or update the Adobe shockwave player. The process is totally automated, even if "Use unattended mode" is unchecked.

Check  New custom command: <UpdateShockwave>. This new command runs the Install/Update Shockwave player fix above from a UVK script.

Check   Updated the Log analyzer to support the new <UpdateShockwave> command above.

Check  Fixed: Cancelling the download of a third party app was not cancelling the app itself. This bug was reported in the forum.

Check  Improved the Smart uninstaller's forced uninstall feature. Now it removes all Windows installer information of the selected programs, where applicable.

Check  New fix: Run MS Install/Uninstall troubleshooter. This new fix downloads and runs the Microsoft troubleshooter for program install/uninstall issues.

Check  New fix: Cleanup MSI orphan files. When installing/uninstalling programs results in errors, orphan files are left over in the Windows installer folder, which may, over time, use a large ammount of HDD space. This fix will safely remove those orphan files.

Check  New fix: Run full disk cleanup. This new fix will run the Windows disk cleanup utility and scan the system drive. On Windows vista and higher, Windows update and Service pack files will be automatically scanned.

Check  Added three new custom commands: <RunInstallUninstallFix><CleanMSIOrphanFiles> and <RunFullDiskCleanup>, to support running the new fixes above from a UVK script.

Check  Updated the Log analyzer to support the three new commands above.

Check  New built in third party app: RogueKiller scan. UVK will download RogueKiller if it's not already up to date, and run the tool. 

Check  New built in third party app: Junkware removal tool. UVK will download JRT if it's not already up to date, and automatically start a scan. 

Check  Added two new custom commands: <RogueKillerScan><JRTScan>, to support running the new apps above from a UVK script.

Check   Updated the Log analyzer to support the two new commands above.

Check   The Smart uninstaller now scans more registry locations, including Firewall rules and Windows installer folders. 

Check   The registry backup/restore feature also saves/restores the System user registry hive (HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT).


v6.8.4.0  Release date: November 05 2014

Check  General debugging and application improvement.

Check  The system booster now scans for invalid paths in more registry keys.

Check  Fixed: Some registry backups were no longer being listed after performing a registry restore. 

Check  Added some more paths to the Execute prevent exclusions, to allow java updates. Users still need to press Save & apply to apply the new paths.

Check  The Fix install problems fix now also grants access to the Windows installer registry database.

Check  Fixed: The registry seeker was not displaying values with names shorter than 2 characters.

Check  The Registry seeker now stops the scan if more than 10000 items are found.

Check  Fixed variable leaked in one of the UVK.dll functions.

Check  Fixed several typos in the application's text.

Check  Improved compatibility with all windows themes, including high contrast. 

Check  Added PC owner and organization info to the System info list. This info can be edited by pressing the new Edit owner info button.

Check  The Smart uninstaller now automatically sets the install date of the installed programs that don't set it themselves.

Check  The System booster now also searches for empty registry keys in several locations, and invalid firewall rules.

Check  The Execute prevent feature now allows you to list the affected files, and add paths to the exclusions list, directly from the affected files list (requested feature).

Check  Browsing the registry for a key no longer uses the registry editor. Instead it uses a dedicated window containing a tree of the registry. This feature is used by the Misc tools and Registry seeker sections.

Check  The Check all menu button, in the System repair list's context menu was renamed Check all recomended. Now clicking this button checks only the items we think they should be executed more often. Obviously you can check other items as you wish.

Check  Added a new fix to the the System repair list: Clear the shell cache. The Windows shell saves folder view, position and size in a registry database. This fix will clear that database, which improves the response of the shell, but it will forget any previously saved folder view, position and size.

Check  Added a new custom command to run the fix above from a UVK script: <ClearShellCache>. Also updated the Log analyzer's Insert (3) menu with a button that insersts that command.

Check  Changed the Reset registry and file permissions fix. Now it will also fix the access control entries if they have been corrupted by other programs.


v6.8.1.2 Release date: October 19 2014

Check  Fixed: The System info section was not exporting all the fields to the html file.

Check Fixed: Immunizing the Main IE entries was not working correctly if there was no IE start page defined for a user.

Many thanks to Jim (Charger440) for reporting these bugs.


v6.8.1.1 Release date: October 09 2014

Check  Fixed some bugs that could that could make the application crash in some situations, while performing the scans, or populating the lists.

Check Fixed: The Execute prevent feature was preventing skype update/install, if Common Application data was checked. Users need to apply the Execute prevent settings again for changes to take effect.


v6.8.1.0 Release date: 05/10/2014

Check Fixed: The Softpedia downloads, as in the Third party apps and the <UpdateSoftware> command were no longer working due to changes in the Softpedia website.

Check Fixed reported bug. The process monitoring feature was not working properly in some computers.

Check Fixed: UVK was crashing after scanning for shortcuts, in some computers. This could happen in any of the sections that scan shortcuts (System booster, Smart uninstaller, Autorun manager, and Scan and create log). This bug was reported several times but we were not able to reproduce it until now. Anyway, many thanks to the several users who reported this issue.

Check Fixed: The Auto-update feature was not updating the UVKPortable.exe package.

Check Fixed some bugs in the Smart uninstaller. 

Check Other bug fixes.

Check Improved the process killing functions. They are now faster and more effective.

Check Improved the graphical interface and added a new skin with a wooden background.

Check Improved the file downloading feature.

Check Improved compatibility with high DPI settings.

Check The groups in the Autorun manager list are now collapsible.


v6.8.0.0 Release date: 27/09/2014 

Check General debugging. 

Check Reduced application size and improved responsiveness.  

Check Improved the path parsing functions. 

Check Improved the child processes monitoring, for the Smart uninstaller and the System repair's third party apps. 

Check The System repair's custom third party apps now support redirects through meta refresh html tags.

Check Added two context menu items in the System repair's Fixes/apps list: Check all in this group, and Uncheck all in this group. This allows to quickly check/uncheck all items in the same group as the hilighted item.

Check Improved the physical memory info retrieval, in the System info section. 

Check Fixed: UVK was not enumerating the user profiles correctly in some computers.

Check Fixed: UVK was not immunizing the Hosts file if Driver files was not selected. Reported bug.

Check Fixed: UVK was not clearing the "Checked" flag of custom third party apps when saving to the same UVKSR file.

Check Fixed some bugs that could make the application crash in some computers.

Check Fixed: UVK was not continuing the System repair operation after reboot, if there was no items checked in the Third party builtin apps or the Custom third party apps groups.

Check Fixed other bugs in the System repair section.

Check New feature: Execute Prevent. This new feature allows you to prevent running files in the paths you define. Useful to prevent malware that runs in the Application data, Fonts, Program data and recycle bin folders from running. Lots of viruses use these paths, such as Crypto locker and most adware applications.

Execute prevent uses a very small number of registry policies to acomplish the task. For instance, to prevent execution in all paths mentioned above, for all users, Execute prevent only creates 12 policy keys, including the ones for the exclusions, which are automatically added.

Presets available for immunizing the Application data folders, or the whole user profile, optionally for all users, and also optionally the Fonts, Program data and recycle bin folders. Friendly interface for adding custom disallowed and excluded paths.

This feature can be found in the System immunization section. Just press the Execute Prevent button, and you'll easily catch it. Applied changes take effect immediately.

The help page for this feature can be found here.



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